Relax the Face

Our faces retain tension from our senses. How much of your day do you look and focus your eyes on objects, squinting, seeking, taking in images? Do your ears strain to hear or try to block out sound? Do the corners of your nostrils carry tension from both breathing and smelling? Do the corners of your mouth get tight from emotions, smiling and frowning, snearing,and pouting? Do you hold back words by tightening your lips? Do your jaw get tired from chewing or clenching? So much happens in the face on the swiveling head and neck.

Relaxing the senses in the face helps shift your whole body. This is a 5 minute audio recording of a guided relaxation sequence for your face. If you have 5 minutes to pause in your day to do this it can shift your body and mood. Here is how we will be beginning.

Sit down in a chair or couch that makes you feel supported. Make yourself comfortable with pillows, your feet on the floor, your back supported. Then click on the Breathing Into Your Face audio file. I will lead you through feeling and relaxing your face - the skin, muscles, bones, teeth, and tongue releasing and relaxing.

You are going to start by placing your palms on your face.

And then let your hands lower your face as they support your head. Notice how I have my forearms against my torso helping to brace my hands to support my head. You are letting the weight of the head rest in your hands. Our head and neck are used to moving themselves. Shift to letting the head and neck rest, and the hands be the movers bringing the head down however far is comfortable for you.

Click on the link below for a guided 5 minute relaxation.

Breathing Into The Face
Kim Kaufman

If you have more time and would like to go further this next guided face relaxation is done lying down on your back. Again lie somewhere comfortable for you. Make sure you are warm enough and have the support you need. A pillow for your neck and head? A pillow under your knees or your knees bent and feet on the floor? You may want to bring pillows to put under your elbows to elevate your arms so you can comfortably keep your hands resting on your face. Do what feels right for you to feel supported and comfortable.

Click on the link below for a 25 minute guided relaxation starting with the face.

Resting the Face while Lying Down
Kim Kaufman



Wisdom of the Body